A 500 Hour Milestone

Even before the state of North Carolina required 60 hours of driving with a parent before a teenager can get their driver’s license, Mark Wilson had a different standard - one hundred hours behind the wheel. Mark and I have supervised each of our five children and together have logged over 500 hours. Today, our youngest child got her license. This rite of passage didn’t seem quite right as there was no road test due to the pandemic. She will get to do that on another day.


Sitting in the passenger seat as a child learns to drive brings up all kinds of thoughts and feelings. How did he/she get here so fast? Are my nerves going to make it through this stage of parenthood? Should we consider getting one of those Driver’s Ed cars that has a brake on the passenger side?? This position has also allowed me lots and lots of mindfulness and breathing practice. And more than one heated parent/child exchange…

Though it is often a logistical relief to have a teenager who can drive, it is also a big lesson in letting go. As we send this last teen driver out into the streets on her own, I will practice deep breathing and prayer as I wait at home for her to return. I would love to hear your experience and stories of teaching someone to drive.