When Life is Interrupted

On December 16, 2016, our youngest child broke her elbow. The details around this event were crazy and turned into a type of fire drill. You can read all about it here

As is often the case when an injury occurs, I had no idea how much time and effort would be required as she recovered. We are coming up on the six month post-break date, and these six months have been full of activities that were not planned. For the first four months, she visited an occupational therapist twice a week and did daily exercises 4-5 times per day. Her teachers were gracious and allowed her to leave the room during school to accomplish this.

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My Book, My Heart

I have had quite the April this year. Between helping a daughter rehab a broken elbow (we had no idea that this would involve 6 months of physical therapy and home exercises post-surgery), helping another do all the things needed to get ready for high school and an Outward Bound week, AND finishing the writing part of my book, I am both exhilarated and exhausted! Those are just bonus activities added to our already very full and abundant life. It has been quite the helpful change to me personally and our family as a whole for my husband to ramp down to a 60% schedule. 

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