A Carpe Diem Confirmation

This post could be titled, "the craziest, most spontaneous thing that Tricia Wilson has ever done." It could also be titled, "the confirmation that did not want to happen."  But I prefer the title above. 

Our oldest daughter was scheduled to be confirmed on a far ahead scheduled March Sunday. On Friday evening, there was a get together and walk through. The air was filled with anticipation and great joy. On Saturday morning, our girl began to feel quite ill. Knowing that the flu was traveling around, we rushed to the doctor to see if this was her diagnosis. It was. 

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Getting More Social

My husband Mark and I are dinosaurs. Not only are we raising teens in our mid-50’s, we are also extremely slow to let smart phones enter the lives of our children. Our grown sons know of our technology lag – it was a source of conflict in our home during their teenage years. Smart phones just weren’t the particular issue as they weren’t mainstream at that time... 

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My Shoe Obsession Continues

Ok, ok, I will admit it. Rather than having a traditional mid-life (I am being generous here, but I do have a living grandmother who is pushing 99 years of age) crisis, I have a mid-life shoe obsession. I have always loved beautiful shoes. And I have a fetish for those that are red.

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Ex-Prisoners and Being With

Recently I was afforded the privilege to hear two women who had spent fifteen and sixteen years behind bars. They are a part of my church community and were invited to tell their stories. I was immediately captivated as I opened my ears and heart to people that I don’t knowingly cross paths with in my everyday life. One woman is white and the other is black. They formed a deep friendship during their years in a place that for most of us holds a forgotten population.

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